Read here information about Tender at High Commission of India

Subject: Tender Inviting Bids For Engagement Of Security Services at the High Commission Of India, 213/51, Shaaban Robert Street, Dar es Salaam and India House At 13, Tumbawe Street, Oysterbay, Dar es Salaam.

High Commission of India, Dar-es-Salaam invites sealed quotations from reputed, experienced and financially sound Companies registered under relevant Tanzanian Companies Law for engagement Of Security Services at the High Commission Of India, 213/51, Shaaban Robert Street, Dar es Salaam and India House At 13, Tumbawe Street, Oysterbay, Dar es Salaam. The Tender document inviting bids for this work can be downloaded here “Tender Inviting Bids For Engagement Of Security Services at the High Commission Of India, 213/51, Shaaban Robert Street, Dar es Salaam and India House At 13, Tumbawe Street, Oysterbay, Dar es Salaam”



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