Tangazo La Nafasi Za Kazi Za Ualimu Wizara Ya Elimu Na LGA's

Tangazo La Nafasi Za Kazi Za Ualimu Wizara Ya Elimu Na LGA's
Tangazo La Nafasi Za Kazi Za Ualimu Wizara Ya Elimu Na LGA's


On this Post - Tangazo La Nafasi Za Kazi Za Ualimu Wizara Ya Elimu Na LGA's 

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has the responsibility of managing and coordinating the provision of Education in the country by preparing various Policies, Laws and Guidelines from the level of Primary Education to Higher Education. In addition, the Ministry is responsible for managing and coordinating the development of Science, Technology and Innovation; along with its use in various fields including Business, Industry, Agriculture and daily life in general. 

Local Government can be defined as a sub-national, semi- autonomous level government discharging its functions in a specified area within a nation. By definition, Local Governments are the level of government that are closest to the people and therefore responsible for serving the political and material needs of people and communities at a specific local area. 


Such areas could be a rural setting or an urban setting, a village, a town, a suburb in a city or a city, depending on the size.

Local Governments have both political and economic purposes. Politically, Local Governments being the levels of governments closest to the people, are suitably situated to provide a way for ordinary citizens to have a say in how their communities are governed. 

Local Governments provide opportunities for democratic participation of citizens in matters that affect them directly. They facilitate closer interaction between citizens and elected representatives.

Economically, Local Governments provide basic services that affect people in their area of jurisdiction. Being close to the people, Local Governments are supposed to know better the needs of the local
area and not only what the people can contribute but also how to engage them in economic activities.

Tanzania has a two-tier system of government: the Central Government and Local Governments. Local Governments are either urban Authorities (city, municipal and town councils), or rural Authorities (district councils). The latter incorporate small towns (township Authorities) as well as village councils 

Tangazo La Nafasi Za Kazi Za Ualimu Wizara Ya Elimu Na LGA's

The Secretary of the Secretariat of Public Service Employment, on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and Local Government Authorities (LGA's) welcomes job applications from Tanzanians with qualifications and the ability to fill a hundred positions one forty-seven (147) as specified in this announcement.

 To read the Tangazo La Nafasi Za Kazi Za Ualimu Wizara Ya Elimu Na LGA's , which has been released this May of 2024, please download the PDF File Below:-



See also:  How to Get Employed in Tanzania

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