Request For Consultancy Service at Swisscontact

Request For Consultancy Service at Swisscontact
Request For Consultancy Service at Swisscontact


Read here details about Request For Consultancy Service at Swisscontact


Background and Context

The Skills for Employment Tanzania (SET) project is a 12-year project funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The current, second phase of SET started on 1 July 2022 and will end on 30 June 2026.The overall project goal for SET across all phases is: “Improve the prospects of gainful youth (self) employment through a contribution to improved access, relevance, and quality of Vocational Skills Development (VSD)’.

The three project outcomes for the second phase are as follows:

Outcome 1 (Relevance): Improved collection and analysis of labor market and skills needs, involving private sector, workplace practitioners and other labor market stakeholders, leading to improved, relevant and flexible VSD curricula.

Outcome 2 (Quality): Improved motivation and adaptive teaching techniques and teaching environment allows for improved delivery of non-formal and formal programs and training throughout the network of Folk Development Colleges(FDCs).

Outcome 3 (Access): Increased access of youth, and young mothers, to relevant non-formal VSD.
Summary details
Objective of the assignment: To clarify the various options for youths to access loans and or other financial products with a focus on the Swisscontact project regions (Morogoro and Iringa) and discuss their features in the context of youth and young mothers
Further information For further information visit our website: (Search Tanzania)

Deadline for pro­posal submission:

The consultant is requested to forward their proposal under the attention of Swisscontact Admin,

May 25th 2024

Please note that:

Applications received after the closing date and time will not be considered.

See also: Best Options for Remote work for a person based in Tanzania

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 Tap / Click Here to Follow the Fursa Opportunities channel on WhatsApp


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