Call for proposals at TRIAS Tanzania

Call for proposals at TRIAS Tanzania
Call for proposals at TRIAS Tanzania


Call for proposals at TRIAS Tanzania




1.      Background information


·       Trias

Trias is an international development organisation with strong roots in Belgium. In 14 countries, Trias supports the realization of dreams of millions of family farmers and small-scale entrepreneurs through their member-based organisations (MBOs) by connecting, empowering, and bringing about change. Our interventions are focused on organisational strengthening and institutional development.

In Tanzania Trias currently work together with 10 Tanzanian organizations to ensure the member-based organisations (MBOs) partners and members become stronger and more sustainable organisations, and empowered actors of change.  

Trias has the ambition to ensure the supported MBO-members are becoming active agents of change, and actively contributing to their own livelihoods, social and political development, as entrepreneurs' members of their MBO and as global citizens. We concretely want to see the family farmers, non-farmer entrepreneurs, pastoralists and their organisations actively contribute to inclusivity of women, youth and other underprivileged groups, environmental conservation and climate change mitigation and adaptation, and entrepreneurship.


·       SPIDER (Strengthening Partners In Development through Empowerment and Reflection) is a Trias-made approach consisting of tools and processes for assessment and dialogue with MBOs to measure their evolution over the years. A bottom-up and co-creative process involving leaders and members to reflect on the current capacities and performance of the MBO. The tool includes the development of an organizational development plan, focusing on 6 core capacities, of which the advances are regularly measured through auto-evaluations and member satisfaction surveys.


·       The translated Swahili SPIDER Tool is intended for Swahili-speaking leaders, board members, and members who represent other members to reflect on the current capacities and performance of the MBO. These representatives may include individuals from diverse backgrounds, such as farmers, entrepreneurs, and pastoralists. The translated SPIDER Tool aims to effectively communicate with MBOs in the Swahili language, facilitating better understanding, engagement, and collaboration.



·       Objectives of the assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to translate and interpret Trias’ SPIDER Tool from English to Swahili translation.

The consulting firm/company will provide the following services:

        High-quality translation/ interpretation of word documents and Excel sheets from English into Swahili.

        Edit and proofread texts to accurately reflect language including reviewing translated material for accuracy of meaning, grammar, and syntax.

2.      Sequence

1.      Kick-off meeting and provision of bibliography, and preparatory documents.

2.      Refining work plan.

3.      Submission of the first drafts & receiving feedback from Trias

4.      Refining the translated Swahili version documents.

5.      Submission of the final translated Swahili version documents.

3.      Deliverables

a)      Translated Swahili version of SPIDER Tool. This includes Word documents, graphs & Excel.

4.      Required Skills and Competences

The consultant or consulting firm's lead person should have the following qualifications and skills:

·       Minimum 5 years of professional experience in translating technical documents from English and Swahili.

·       High levels of proficiency in both English and Swahili translation skills.

·       Ability to consider the target audience regarding language, style, and register.

·       Certification in translation/interpretation from accredited institutions and member(s) of a professional translators' association is highly desirable.

·       Experience in the use of CAT Translation tools.


5.      Proposal requirements

Interested companies/firms/Individuals should submit two documents as follows:

§  A proposal describing a detailed work plan, timelines, budget per page/words/day, and the profile of the translators detailing their educational background, qualifications, and experience.

§  And a sample of the best previous translation project.

§  Submit your proposal in PDF format, ensuring does not exceed 10 pages.

6. Payment Terms

-         This assignment will be paid in three instalments, 40% on contract signing, 30% on delivery of draft translations, and 30% on acceptance of final translated documents. A breakdown of costs should be included in the proposal. All costs (consultant fees, DSA, communication, transport, payment of team members, etc.) should be covered by this budget.


7. Submission of proposal and deadline

Interested firms or individuals can submit their proposals by email to the deadline to receive proposals is 11th March 2024. The maximum time for the assignment to be fully completed is April 30th 2024 from the contract signing date.


NB: Interested applicants can request the Trias’ SPIDER Tool via: /


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