KOICA – Enhancing Quality of Secondary School Education through a Holistic Approach in Zanzibar, Tanzania (EQSSE-Z)

Good Neighbors is an international humanitarian development NGO founded in Korea in 1991. The aim is to make the world a place without hunger, where people live together in harmony. The organization maintains field offices in more than 39 countries around the world. Good Neighbors Tanzania is among Good Neighbors International field office.

Good Neighbors Tanzania (GNTZ) was officially established on 2005 and currently it is located in six regions i.e. Mwanza, Kigoma, Dodoma, Songwe, Zanzibar and Dar es Salaam being the Head Office. The organization conducts missions around the world to improve quality of life, strengthening communities’ self-reliance and improving standards in different areas such as health, education, water and sanitation, child rights advocacy, income generation activities and community partnerships. The organization also implements emergency relief activities in areas where there is civil unrest or natural disasters.

Project Description
Category Contents
Project Title Enhancing the Quality of Secondary School Education Through a Holistic
Approach in Zanzibar (EQSSE-Z)
Project site United Republic of Tanzania, Zanzibar
Cooperating organization Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, (MoEVT)
Project Period January 2021 to December 2024 (48 Month)
Budget USD 5,298,185