Country: America, New York

University: Colombian University


Age Requirement: 26 to 45 Years

Deadline: 19 Jan 2023

Columbian Leaders Scholars Benefits 

  • Living expenses in New York City will be covered
  • furnished studio apartment
  • You will get an Apartment within walking distance of the University
  • No Fees
  • Basic medical, dental, and life insurance coverage is included
  • Air travel to and from home country

Applications Requirement

Emerging institutional and movement leaders addressing a range of challenges, including strengthening governance, increasing access to high-quality healthcare, environmental sustainability, promoting women’s rights, and ending gender-based violence should apply.

A personal Video Statement is compulsory.

Fellows cannot take another Opportunity at Columbia university because this program is Full time.

You cannot participate in another Degree program.

Applicants will submit the Short Questions and answers in the application Form.

English Requirement is waived for those who are studying entirely in the English Language.

The resume/curriculum vitae should be a chronological listing of your employment and academic history, and other significant activities, including any awards, publications, or other achievements․

Two letters of recommendation are required from individuals who are familiar with the applicant and the applicant’s work in an academic, professional, or community service setting.

How To Apply For Colombia Global Projects Grant?

Fill out the form, then answers all the questions. You will go through an Interview panel. Upon Selection all applicants who came here to the USA will have to go back to their country to serve the community.

Official Source is Here

Application Form is Here