Call for Expression of Interest: Videographer at MS TCDC


Call for Expression of Interest: Videographer at MS TCDC

Call for Expression of Interest: Videographer

Documenting Legacy and Impact of the Youth Leadership Program (YouLead) 2017-2021


With financial support from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Danida Fellowship Centre (DFC) and MS Training Centre for Development Cooperation (MS TCDC) have entered a strategic partnership entitled “Together for Impact - Refresh and Expand.”

Together, through this partnership, the two institutions will jointly develop and host innovative and effective methodologies for transformative learning and to develop and implement a selected number of learning program interventions aimed at securing the strongest possible impact. The collaboration initially consists of three main pillars: 1) Learning for Change, 2) Youth Leadership for Change, and 3) Enablers for Change.

DFC offers a youth leadership training course that focuses on youth involvement in economic political life. MS TCDC, through its Youth Leadership Program (YouLead) has a strong focus on youth leadership capacity development for increased participation of African youth in both the economic and democratic processes.

Since 2017, Africa’s flagship Youth Leadership Program working to unlock youth leadership potential for a prosperous continent by identifying, recognizing, connecting and fostering cooperation among Africa’s vibrant and influential young leaders and their initiatives. YouLead is a joint initiative of MS Training Centre for Development Cooperation (MSTCDC) and the East African Community (EAC) in Arusha, Tanzania. More on

Against this background, DFC and MS TCDC have to jointly take this work forward under the current partnership and the pillar - youth leadership for impact and change. In 2022, in addition to a pilot Youth Leadership for Change Learning activity - Youth inclusion in Social-Economic Development and Policy Formulation in Africa: A Continental Bootcamp for Youth Leaders and Policy Makers, a targeted Outcome Harvesting exercise is to be conducted with the aim of documenting the impact of YouLead over the past 5 years – since the first convening of YouLead Summit in 2017 until 2021.

What We Want To Achieve

The cardinal aim of the Outcome Harvesting exercise is to learn what impact YouLead has contributed to, on young leaders, the change these young leaders are contributing in organisations, communities and society where they live and work, and based on this, learn how to best improve our current work, and guide us on where to best target our future youth leadership interventions under the DFC-TCDC partnership in 2023 and beyond.

The Outcome Harvesting exercise will therefore collect evidence of what has changed on those who have interacted with YouLead’s interventions in the past 5 years (2017-2021), document examples of what has changed on young leaders, their institutions behaviors, actions, relationships, policies, practices, learn and determine whether, how and to what extent our interventions have contributed to these changes. It will also provide lessons learned in terms of what has worked, how, what has not worked, why, and how to improve our work with youth leaders going forward. The documentation will be both in narrative and visual/video. The outputs of the outcome harvesting exercise will guide our crafting of interventions on youth leadership in 2023 and beyond.

Where Outcome Harvesting Will Be Conducted

The exercise will be conducted in the 6 EAC Partner States of Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, South Sudan, Burundi, Rwanda where YouLead has been active for the past 5 years.

Who Will Be Involved in the Outcome Harvesting Exercise

The exercise shall be led by an Impact Assessment Consultant, working with YouLead’s regional coordination team and a videographer.

Participants will be YouLead Consortium Heads of Entities, focal points in consortium member entities who coordinate/support YouLead activities in each country, YouLead alumni, policymakers, EAC Youth Ambassadors in each EAC Partner States and any other persons such as experts, leaders, and media personalities familiar with or have been involved in YouLead’s work.

Role of Impact Assessment Consultant

The Impact Assessment Consultant will be responsible for working with our YouLead staff to identify and select best participants in the outcome harvesting exercise, whose stories are to be documented, other key youth representatives to be interviewed, partner offices or project sites to be visited, and for developing assessment questions for each participant. The evaluation expert will also compile a summary narrative/text report for each country and a consolidated narrative report combining findings from all four countries.

Role of Video/Photographer

  • The Video/photographer is to work alongside the assigned Impact Assessment Consultant. Each Video/photographer's key role is to shoot and produce narrated short video clips (documentary type) summarising impact stories for each of the assigned 6 countries, 2 minutes video for each country), and a combined video (6 countries, 12 mins) summarising all documented impact stories.
  • In the course of video shooting, it is expected that video/photographers will conduct mini-interviews with key partners, alumni, policy makers and other relevant stakeholders (capturing the voices of beneficiaries, local leaders, government, YouLead Consortium staff and any other voices found key). The combined video should not be more than 12 minutes.
  • Focus of video/photography documentation should be on collecting evidence of what has changed on those who have interacted with YouLead’s interventions in the past 5 years (2017-2021), document examples of what has changed on young leaders, policy makers, YouLead’s partners, their institutions behaviors, actions, relationships, policies, practices, learn and determine whether, how and to what extent our interventions have contributed to these changes. It will also provide lessons learned in terms of what has worked, how, what has not worked, why, and how to improve our work with youth leaders going forward.

Key Delivarables

  • Development of script video guide inspired by data collection tools and questions (FGD & KII tools and questions) already developed by impact assessment expert
  • Shoot and produce short narrated video clips (documentary type) (1 per country) based on script inspired by impact assessment questions and a few interviews (capturing the voices of beneficiaries, local leaders, government, YouLead consortium partner staff)
  • Edit and produce a combined narrated video clip (documentary type) as a digital version of documented impact stories and practices across all six countries.
  • Country specific videos not to exceed 2 minutes each, and the combined videos not to exceed 12 minutes.

Call for Expression of Interest: Videographer 

Level of Efforts and Payment

The videographer will be paid for a total of 15 working active days to accomplish the proposed assignment within the six target countries, preparation, final editing, video and photo editing and compression, quality optimization for use on devices and digital platforms.

Fees Payable

The videographer will be paid a daily rate of $150/day covering professional fees and equipment hire. Travel and accommodation-related costs will be paid separately by the project team.

Applications Should Include

  • The duly filled application form with:
  1. A capability statement (maximum 200 words)
  2. A brief description of the methodology
  3. A curriculum vitae (2 pages max) demonstrating competencies in the areas required for this assignment
  4. Evidence of previous videography/documentary work. 


01 of November to 15th of December 2022: Fieldwork and editing work period.

An online orientation meeting will be planned prior to the start of fieldwork.


The deadline for submitting the proposals:15th November 2022 at 23:59 EAT.

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Africa has the youngest population in the world with 454.5 million (65%) between 15 and 34 years (ILO,2020). Young people aged 15 to 24 years comprise 34.2% of Africa’s working age population. While this is an unparalleled opportunity for growth and innovation, it may fuel instability and violence. In the context of new types of conflicts with root causes related to bad governance, young people in Africa need more capacity to use their potential as drivers of sustainable development.

The important role of youth for the continent’s development is recognized. Aspirations 1 and 6 of Agenda 2063 of the African Union (AU) seek to achieve “a prosperous Africa based on inclusive growth and sustainable development whose development is people-driven, relying on the potential of Africa’s people especially women and youth”. African Youth Charter is founded on the conviction that Africa’s greatest resource is its youthful population, and that Africa can surmount the difficulties that lie ahead through their active and full participation.

At a more practical level, in the move from policies to practices, the African Union African Governance Architecture Youth Engagement Strategy - AGA-YES envisages meaningful youth engagement in democratic governance processes at three inter-related levels:

  • Youth as today and tomorrow’s leaders with the ability to create and lead innovative actions, programmes and initiatives on the continent;
  • Youth as partners playing specific roles in defining and implementing democratic governance initiatives;
  • Youth as beneficiaries of AU Organs and RECs actions, programmes and initiatives.

At the East African Community (EAC) level, the Treaty establishing the Community recognises that the greatest asset is its human resources. In this context, the youth, who constitute the EAC's largest segment of the population, should be accorded proportionate recognition and participation in all national and regional development activities. It is, therefore, necessary to ensure the active and effective representation of the Youth in the society and in the national and regional integration processes to express their views and interests.

MS TCDC’s current strategy primarily focuses on working with young leaders. With its current strategic focus, TCDC seeks to become the go-to centre for a new type of visionary and transformational leadership training and mentorship. We will seek to nurture, develop and support a growing group of young leaders in the region, who are transforming culture and institutions in the civil society, government and private sector. This outcome harvesting is a pivotal stage of our journey toward this purposive becoming.


Outcome Harvesting – what is it and how is it done?

YouLead Legacy Report


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