TOR for the development of an Administration System and MIS for Folk Development Colleges and the MoEST in Tanzania from Swisscontact

TOR for the development of an Administration System and MIS for Folk Development Colleges and the MoEST in Tanzania from Swisscontact

TOR for the development of an Administration System and MIS for Folk Development Colleges and the MoEST in Tanzania from Swisscontact

Background and Context

The Skills for Employment Tanzania (SET) is a Swiss Development Corporation (SDC) supported programme implemented in Tanzania. SET is a 12-year project funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented in Tanzania which started in August 2018 and end in 2030. The current phase (SET II) has started on the 1 July and will end on 30 June 2026.

The overall project goal for SET across all phases is:

“Improve the prospects of gainful youth (self-) employment through a contribution to
improved access, relevance, and quality of Vocational Skills Development (VSD)”

The three project outcomes for the SET II each reflecting one project component are as

  • Outcome 1: Improved collection and analysis of labour market and skills needs, involving private sector, workplace practitioners and other labour market stakeholders, leading to improved, relevant and flexible VSD curricula

  • Outcome 2: Improved motivation and adaptive teaching techniques and teaching environment allows for improved delivery of non-formal and formal programmes and training throughout the network of FDCs
  •  Outcome 3: Increased access of youth, and young mothers, to relevant non-formal VSD

The task of this proposed contract is part of outcome 2 of SET II, which support the network
of FDCs in improving their teaching and learning system through Continuing Professional
Development (CPD).

The Folk Development Colleges (FDCs) are an important public training provider network
which provides both the formal government-certificated VETA curriculum, an FDC-
certificated programme of the same curriculum, and short, non-formal vocational skills
development (VSD) courses. Non-formal VSD operates with curricular flexibility, some of
which is cost-recovery, allowing tailored skills development interventions to diverse target
groups, including those without access to formal education and training. In 2020/21, 15,032
students were recorded in the FDC network.

FDCs provide a significant resource for skills development of youth with lower education.
Whereas VETA schools are mostly only accessible to those who completed and pass secondary education, the network of 54 FDCs, established by Julius Nyerere in 1975 to support community skills development, works with youth who only achieved primary standard 7 and lower secondary school (form 4).

The FDCs are located in rural and semi-rural areas throughout Tanzania, and some have begun to attach production units to core programmes to increase institutional income. The income from short courses and sales has allowed the Colleges to provide properly resourced practical skills acquisition for a limited number of students and skills through adequate provision of equipment and consumables for training.

However, FDCs face a number of challenges, one of which is the lack of a unified and comprehensive administration system and management information system, which is to be addressed by these terms of reference.

2 Overview of the Task
2.1 Outcomes

As part of its support to the FDC network, and MoEST management of this network, the SET
Phase II has agreed to provide technical and material inputs into two major network

  • Appropriate, low maintenance, and sustainable computerisation of FDC administration procedures (‘FDC Admin System’), and a centralised operational MIS for the MoEST TVET Department intended for FDC planning and management (‘FDC MIS’), built on outputs from the FDC Admin System;
  • A continuing professional development system involving, over time, all teachers inthe FDC network.



These TOR are an element in the development of the FDC Admin System and the FDC MIS. The outcome of this support is expected to assist FDCs in streamlining their administrative processes, so they are quicker, more accurate, and more useful. Since almost all of FDC planning and management data will be captured by the FDC Admin system, these data will feed a centralised database, accessible to authorised FDC and MoEST users, but specifically designed for planning, reporting and multi-annual analysis relating to the FDC network.

In general, the Developer will be responsible for the software side of the FDC Admin System and FDC MIS, assist in the planning and delivery of the necessary training, and provide time- limited post development support. Development, system equipment, and training costs will largely be covered by the SET project. The MoEST and FDC authorities will authorise system development, endorse organisational and development plans, participate in, and monitor activities, and determine acceptability.

The SET project will facilitate and advise where  appropriate.

TOR for the development of an Administration System and MIS for Folk Development Colleges and the MoEST in Tanzania from Swisscontact - October 2022 , pleased download the Full TOR Document on the PDF File below :-


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