What is TRAB and TRAT? : The Meaning
TRAB stand for : Tax Revenue Appeals Board
The appeals start at Tax Revenue Appeals Board (TRAB) after the tax payer being aggrieved by the decision of the Commissioner General.
TRAT Stands for: Tax Revenue Appeals Tribunal
TRAB determine the case and give out its decision. The aggrieved party from the decision of TRAB goes to Tax Revenue Appeals Tribunal (TRAT).
About TRA
The Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) is a semi-autonomous Government Agency of the United Republic of Tanzania. It was established by the Tanzania Revenue Act, CAP. 339 in 1995 and started its operations on the 1st of July 1996. It is headed by the Commissioner General. The Current Commissioner General is Alphayo J. Kidata
In carrying out its statutory functions, TRA is responsible for, among others, to administer and give effect to the laws or the specified provisions of the laws set out in the First Schedule to said Act, and for that purpose, TRA undertakes to assess, collect, and account for all revenue to which those laws apply, on behalf of the Government. Other specific functions of TRA include the following. First, to monitor, oversee, coordinate activities and ensure the fair, efficient and effective administration of revenue laws by the Revenue Department in the jurisdiction of the Union Government. Second, to monitor and ensure the collection of fees, levies, charges, or any other tax collected by any Ministry, Department or Division of the Government as revenue for the Government. Third, to advise the Minister and other relevant organs on all matters pertaining to fiscal policy, the implementation of the Policy, and the constant improvement of policy regarding revenue laws and administration. Fourth, to promote voluntary tax compliance to the highest degree possible. Fifth, to take such measures as may be necessary to improve the standard of service given to Taxpayers with a view to improving the effectiveness of the revenue Departments and maximizing revenue collection. Sixth, to determine the steps to be taken to counteract fraud and other forms of tax and another fiscal evasion. Seventh, to produce trade statistics and publications on a quarterly basis.
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